• 2022-07-26
  • a.真诚的,诚恳的


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      CORDIAL: () A: dubious B: benevolent C: prophetic D: friendly E: biased

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      cordial A: 热情友好的 B: 单纯的 C: 非常宝贵的

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      中国大学MOOC: I am very to you for the cordial hospitality you accorded me.

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      OverseasvisitorstoBeijingareimpressedbythe<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">cordial</span>greetingofthesevolunteersaboutthecity. A: authentic B: explicit C: warm D: transparent

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      I am very to you for the cordial hospitality you accorded me. A: grace B: graceful C: gracious D: grateful