1. 以下选项中,对于亚马逊自配送卖家绩效指标表述错误的一项是?( )
A: Order Defect Rate: < 1%
B: Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate: < 2.5%
C: Refund Rate: <3%
D: Late Shipment Rate: < 4%
A: Order Defect Rate: < 1%
B: Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate: < 2.5%
C: Refund Rate: <3%
D: Late Shipment Rate: < 4%
- 1. 以下选项中,对于亚马逊自配送卖家绩效指标表述错误的一项是?( ) A: Order Defect Rate: <; 1% B: Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate: <; 2.5% C: Refund Rate: <;3% D: Late Shipment Rate: <; 4%
- 亚马逊平台配送前取消率Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate是指在相关时间段内,卖家在确认发货之前,因为库存或其他原因,主动取消了买家的订单。取消的订单在所有订单中所占的比例,则是配送前取消率。亚马逊要求配送前取消率<5%。
- 亚马逊平台迟发率(Late Shipment Rate)是指在承诺的时间内未安排货物的配送,所产生的订单除以订单总数,计算公式为:迟发率=迟发订单/订单总数×100%,亚马逊要求该指标<5%。
- 中国大学MOOC: 1.以下选项中,对于亚马逊自配送卖家绩效指标表述错误的一项是?( )
- (Choice 4)How do you ask about the tax refund rate A: What's the tax refund rate? B: How much is the tax refund rate?