A: ¥500/ct
B: ¥3800/ct
C: ¥6000/ct
D: ¥1万/ct
- 一粒5克拉的优质巴西帕拉伊巴碧玺的市场价格最接近的是( ) A: ¥5000/ct B: ¥15000/ct C: ¥48000/ct D: ¥30万/ct
- 考虑一只10年期、票面利率为7%(每年付息一次)、面值为¥100的国债。如果该国债的到期收益率为8%,其价格为多少?若该国债每半年付息一次,到期收益率仍为8%,则其价格又为多少?( )? ¥92.32 , ¥90.29|¥93.29 , ¥93.20|¥93.20 , ¥93.29|¥90.32 , ¥90.29
- 如果1975年当年价格计算的NNP为¥3600亿,从1970-1975年价格水平上升了20%,则1975年的以1970年的价格计算的NNP为( )。 A: ¥3000亿; B: ¥3200亿; C: ¥4300亿; D: ¥3600亿。
- 大写“人民币叁拾柒元玖角整”写成小写应是()。 A: ¥37.9 B: ¥37.9- C: ¥37.90 D: ¥37.90
- 2015年3月29日,华夏上证50ETF基金的收盘价为¥2.649,4月份到期、行权价格为¥2.250的上证50ETF认购期权的收盘价为¥0.406,那么,该期权的内在价值或执行价值为( ) A: ¥1.844 B: ¥0.399 C: ¥2.243 D: ¥0.406
- 0
Guangli Co. Ltd. established a ¥500 petty cash fund several months ago and replenishes it at the end of each month. During the first two weeks of March, ¥285 was disbursed from the petty cash box for miscellaneous items. If a surprise count of the fund is made on March 15, the petty cash box should contain A: ¥500 cash. B: ¥215 cash. C: ¥215 cash left for March plus ¥500 cash for each month since creation of the petty cash fund. D: ¥215 cash and receipts for ¥285 in expenditures.
- 1
- 2
填制原始凭证书写必须规范,如大写金额“壹仟零壹元伍角整”的小写应为( )。 A: 1 001.50 B: ¥1 001.50 C: ¥1 001.50元 D: ¥1 001.5
- 3
为了每年年底从银行提取¥1,000,一直持续下去,如果利率为10%,每年复利一次,那么,你现在应该存多少钱?() A: ¥10,000 B: ¥8,243 C: ¥6,145 D: ¥11,000
- 4
The ending Cash account balance is ¥43 200. During the period, cash receipts equal ¥93 225. If the cash payments during the period total ¥101 325, then the beginning Cash amount must have( ) A: ¥51<br/>300 B: ¥35100 C: ¥136425 D: Cannot<br/>be determined from the information given.