Simplify 表示化简
- Simplify 表示化简 A: 正确 B: 错误
- Karnaugh maps can be used to simplify Boolean expressions.卡诺图可以用来化简逻辑函数。
- Karnaugh maps can be used to simplify Boolean expressions.卡诺图可以用来化简逻辑函数。 A: 正确 B: 错误
- The excerpt “Simplify, simplify” is taken from “Civil Disobedience”.
- 关于符号表达式化解,以下方法中,返回最简的结果和化简方法的是( )。 A: simple(s) B: r=simple(s) C: [r how]=simple(s) D: simplify(s)
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Karnaugh maps can be used to simplify Boolean expressions
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The polynomial P can be simplified with the command: simplify(P).()
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How to state the important or main ideas of the original? A: to shorten phrases B: to reduce examples C: to simplify descriptions D: to simplify sentences E: to replace specific words with generic reference