• 2022-07-02
    This machine is ______ being improved.
    A: capable to
    B: able of
    C: able to
    D: capable of
  • D


    • 0

      The poison was __________ of causing death within a few minutes. A: capable B: able C: likely D: effective

    • 1

      Children under the age of 16 are not ________ to enter for the competition. A: possible B: probable C: capable D: able

    • 2

      She apologized for ________ to come. A: not being able B: being not able C: not to be able D: not be able

    • 3

      The manager apologized for ______ to attend the meeting. A: to be not able B: being not able C: not able D: not being able

    • 4

      There is only one man in the city _____ of lending him two thousand pounds. A: able B: aware C: capable D: claiming