I was shocked to find a front-page story that was more ________ in
its nature than it was informative.
A: sensational
B: sentimental
C: sensitive
D: sensible
its nature than it was informative.
A: sensational
B: sentimental
C: sensitive
D: sensible
- I was shocked to find a front-page story that was more ________ in its nature than it was informative. A: sensational B: sentimental C: sensitive D: sensible
- 10. I was shocked to find a front-page story that was more ________ in its nature than it was informative.
- DengXiaopingisavery_________ leader—heleadsChinatoacorrectdevelopingway. A: sensible B: sensitive C: sensational D: sentimental
- Hardy was stimulated by the sights, sounds and smells about him; he was enjoying his sensuous experience. A: sensational B: sentimental C: sensitive D: sensible
- This is a choice. A: sentimental B: sensible C: sensitive D: sensate