• 2022-07-25
    Astronauts were ordered to abandon the International Space Station because _______.
    A: they faced a threat from space junk
    B: an emergency was taking place back at Mission Control
    C: a lot of space junk had surrounded the Space Station
    D: they were being given an escape drill
  • A


    • 0

      If a station is called offshore base station, it must be ______. A: in the sea B: in the sky C: on the land D: in the space

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: EI Village2中,检索式“International Space Station”WN TI,含义是( )。

    • 2

      学起: Space travel is dangerous and the astronauts in space have to ______ many discomforts (不适) in their rockets.

    • 3

      In 1963, taking Chicago as an example, what kind of urban retail space did Bailey put forward? A: a concentric-circle structure centered on the core; banded retail space;specialized space B: a concentric-circle structure C: specialized space D: banded retail space

    • 4

      2. The Celestial Stems and Earthly Branches were used to refer to in ancient times. A: time B: space C: the universe D: place