• 2022-07-25
    How did you find your visit to museum?
    A: far more interesting
    B: so more interesting
    C: a lot much interesting
    D: even much interesting
  • A


    • 0

      -This story book is not interesting at all.Well, I’ll lend you ___one, Ok? A: the most interesting B: a most interesting C: most interesting D: much interesting

    • 1

      By adding _________ to your programs, you can make computers more interesting and much more fun for the user. A: multimedia B: text C: music D: picture

    • 2

      I think this story book is not so ______ as that one. A: Interested B: interesting C: more interested D: more interesting

    • 3

      I think my book is _______ of the two. A. the interesting B. more interesting C. the more interesting D. interesting

    • 4

      This novel is _____ interesting than that one. A: more B: much C: very D: the most