• 2022-07-25
    How do people in developing countries benefit most from globalization
    A: They can meet various people online.
    B: They can get better education by studying overseas.
    C: They can learn from people from other countries.
    D: They can study in their home universities.
  • B


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      Exercise habits can help relieve stress in that ______. A: exercising gives people opportunities to meet friends B: exercises prevent people from eating too much C: exercising gives people a break from physical, mental and emotional tension D: people can learn new skills while doing exercises

    • 1

      How can people use it? People can ________________ and get such service._

    • 2

      14. A summary can not enable people get more from their reading.

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      原文:People in different countries greet each other in different ways. In some western countries, people sometimes give a <br/>kiss on the cheek (脸颊) or a hug to their friends.In some <br/>Asian countries,they usually<br/>bow slightly to greet each other. 题目:From this passage, we can learn about ____________.

    • 4

      If you are in one of these facilities,_______________. A: you can visit people freely B: you can’t meet other people, but you can meet reporters C: you can’t meet other people, and interview is also not allowed.