• 2022-07-25
    3. In meaningful practice, the focus is on______,_______ or_______ through the students “keep
  • 3. production, comprehension or exchange of meaning


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      According to Cognitive Approach, the focus of classroom teaching are the following aspects except ______. A: rule learning B: drilling C: meaningful practice D: creativity

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      Meaningful practice

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      According to ____________, A wide exposure to language with sufficient opportunities for students to practice using the language in meaningful context is the best way of ensuring that students will acquire it effectively. Thus, language teaching should be based on the tasks the students do in English in the classroom.

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      中国大学MOOC: From mechanical practice, to meaningful practice, and to communicative practice, they are in a _______ order.

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      _________is to identify and distinguish between different sounds. A: Production practice B: Outcome practice C: Perception practice D: Meaningful practice