To put it in a simple way, linguistics studies ________, meaning of linguistic units, and the use and interpretation of a sentence in different contexts.
- Pragmatics studies meaning in A: context B: use C: utterance D: sentence
- Ideally, we learn by putting knowledge into use in different living contexts. living contexts在这里是什么意思? A: 生活的意义 B: 生活场景 C: 生动的上下文
- The sentence John likes linguistics, but Mary is interested in history is a . A: simple sentence B: Coordinate sentence C: Complex sentence D: clause
- Findings in linguistic studies can often be applied to the solution of some practical problems. The study of such applications is known as ________. A: sociolinguistics B: psycholinguistics C: applied linguistics D: computational linguistics
- The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___.