A: Allbankingchargesforseller’saccount.
B: Portcongestionsurcharges,ifany,atthetimeofshipmentisforopener’saccount.
C: AllbankingchargesoutsideHongKongareforaccountofaccountee.
D: Draweebank’schargesandacceptanceareforbuyer’saccount.
A: Allbankingchargesforseller’saccount.
B: Portcongestionsurcharges,ifany,atthetimeofshipmentisforopener’saccount.
C: AllbankingchargesoutsideHongKongareforaccountofaccountee.
D: Draweebank’schargesandacceptanceareforbuyer’saccount.
- Iftheimporterasksforadditionalinsurancecoverage,theexporterisexpectedtoeffectinsuranceasrequiredandtheexpenseshallbefortheexporter’saccount.
- 下列信用证有关费用的条款,要求卖方负担有关费用的是()
- 下列信用证有关费用的条款,要求卖方负担有关费用的是( )。 A: All banking charges for seller’s account B: Port congestion surcharges, if any, at the time of shipment is for opener’s account C: All banking charges outside Hongkong are for account of accountee D: Drawee bank’s charges and acceptance commission are for buyer’s account
- 下列信用证有关费用的条款,要求卖方负担有关费用的是( )。 A: All banking charges for seller’s account. B: Port congestion surcharges, if any, at the time of shipment is for opener’s account. C: All banking charges out side Hong Kong are for account of accountee. D: Drawee bank’s charges and acceptance are for buyer’s account.
- 按照国际贸易惯例,如果买方不愿接受卖方的通常包装,而要求特殊的包装,则包装费用由______ A: 卖方负担 B: 包装条款中订明的包装费用负担方负担 C: 双方各半负担 D: 卖方提出,买方另外支付