• 2022-07-24
    将TIM5的通道1配置为输入捕获模式,包含的操作不正确的是( )。
    A: 使能GPIOA的时钟,RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA, DISABLE);
    B: 将PA0口初始化为端口复用模式,GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
    C: 调用TIM_OcxPolarityConfig()函数,独立设置待捕获信号的极性
    D: 获取TIM5的当前计数值,TIM_GetCapture1(TIM5);
  • A



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      以下为GPIO端口配置寄存器的描述,在GPIO控制LED电路设计时,要使最大输出速度为2MHz,应该设置MODE[1:0]值为( )8a324f8eb252533cfa0544b0df33a210.jpg5ff693b9c72fd930994a4af1b072934a.jpg

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      Tim: Hey, Hilary. How is your (1) ___________ this semester?

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      阅读三。Tim is a student. Tim’s father is a policeman. His mother is a teacher. His uncle works in a hospital. He is adoctor. His aunt also works in a hospital. She is a nurse. 1.Who is a policeman?A. Tim B. Tim’s father C. Tim’s mother A: Tim B: Tim's father C: Tim's mother

    • 3

      What does Tim want to do?He wants to (1)_________.

    • 4

      This room is . A: of Tim and Li Ming B: Tim and Li Ming's C: Tim's and Li Ming's