• 2021-04-14
    We also offer a number of courses related to CNC training and technology, ________CAD and CAM.
  • including


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      计算机辅助制造用()来表示。 A: CAM B: CAD C: CAT D: CNC

    • 1

      计算机集成生产系统CIMS最基础的部分是()的集成。 A: CAD/CAM B: CAD/CAPP C: CAPP/CAM D: CAPP/CNC

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      计算机数控用以下()代号表示。 A: CAD B: CAM C: ATC D: CNC

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      We __________ a lot in training courses for our employees. We know it’s money well spent. A: believe B: deal C: delegate D: invest E: respond

    • 4

      We will offer a training program for all the applicants ___________ native language is not Chinese. A: whose B: who C: that D: which