• 2022-07-26
    Which of the following tense is NOT usually used to make a generalization of a fact or certain phenomenon happening recently?
    A: present tense
    B: present continuous
    C: present perfert
    D: future tense
  • D


    • 0

      Which of the following sentences represent the present tense?

    • 1

      ‍While writing suggestions for future studies, you are advised to use _________.‍ A: the future tense B: the past tense C: the present tense D: the progressive tense

    • 2

      When we write about our first day of college experience, which tense do we use the most?___( ) A: Past tense B: Present tense C: Future tense

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: You use present perfect tense for jobs you held and present tense for jobs you currently hold.

    • 4

      Generally speaking, in an abstract, the opening and concluding statements are written in the present tense or the present perfect tense, while the methods and results are expressed in the past tense.