• 2022-07-28
    In view of the fact that this is the first transaction with you, we decided, as an_____, to accept your offer. 破例
  • exception


    • 0

      By “We are happy to accept your offer provided that you cut your price by 2%.”, the write is making a/an ( ). A: inquiry B: offer C: counter-offer D: order

    • 1

      ______________ your urgent need of the goods, we have decided to accept your order despite the current tight supply position. A: In terms of B: In spite of C: In view of

    • 2

      6.1下面的哪一个回答显得十分决绝,无协商空间? A: We must refuse your offer. B: We regret that we are unable to accept your offer.

    • 3

      We are unable to accept your offer, as the goods are of short ______.

    • 4

      We regret to say that we can not accept your offer, as your price is found to be ____ the high side.