A: on the radio
B: which
C: to give
D: 10% raise
- This morning I heard (on the radio) (which) the steel industry has decided (to give) its employees a (10% raise) in pay.() A: on the radio B: which C: to give D: 10% raise
- This morning I heard (on the radio) (which) the steel industry has decided (to give) its employees a (10% raise) in pay.() A: A B: B C: C D: D
- 在页面中看不见的表单元素是()。 未知类型:{'options': ['[input type=" password"][/ ]', '[input type=" radio"]', '[input type=" hidden"]', '[input type="reset"][input][/input]'], 'type': 102}
- 在页面中看不见的表单元素是( )。 未知类型:{'options': ['[input type="password"]', '[input type="radio"]', '[input type="hidden"]', '[input type="reset"]'], 'type': 102}
- 终端安全接入技术不包括下列哪个选项? 未知类型:{'options': ['[input class="checkOrRadio" type="radio" disabled="disabled"]A. 准入控制', '[input class="checkOrRadio" type="radio" disabled="disabled"]B. 安全认证', '[input class="checkOrRadio" type="radio" disabled="disabled"]C. 身份认证', '[input class="checkOrRadio" type="radio"]D. 系统管理'], 'type': 102}
- 0
a=array([[0,1,2,3], [4,5,6,7], [8,9,10,11], [12,13,14,15]]) b=array([[16,17,18,19], [20,21,22,23], [24,25,26,27], [28,29,30,31]]) 通过语句np.concatenate((a,b),axis=1)可以产生 array([[0,1,2,3,16,17,18,19], [4,5,6,7,20,21,22,23], [8,9,10,11,24,25,26,27], [12,13,14,15,28,29,30,31]])
- 1
HTML5的基本结构是( ) 未知类型:{'options': ['[html][body][/][head][/][/]', '[html][head][/][body][/][/]', '[html][head][/][foot][/][/]', '[html][head][title][/][/][/]'], 'type': 102}
- 2
[音频](used in American English) an advertisement on television or radio
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