Someone’s swan song refers to his/her farewell appearance or final act or pronouncement.
- An author's viewpoint refers to his or her position on a topic, that is, his or her attitude, belief, or opinion.
- What is Oedipus complex? A: It refers to a small girl's sexual desire for her father and hatred towards the mother B: It refers to a strong sexual desire for members of the other sex C: It refers to a small boy's sexual desire for his mother and hatred for his father D: It refers ot a desire for parricide
- What's the name of her song?
- “To be, or not to be, that is the question” is a ________by Shakespeare’s Hamlet.A. B. C. D. A: soliloquy B: monologue C: speech D: swan song
- A job is the work that someone does for a long period of his or her life.