• 2021-04-14
    In this section, there are ten sentences with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank. Each choice is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item. You may not use any of the words more than once.A. veil B. concession C. composed D. accommodation E. disposedF. flourish G. tolerance H. harnessed I. discrimination J. infer1. At the sight of her idol, she was far from __________ enough to speak.2. A gentle rain was beginning to _________ the castle, thus making it more mysterious.3. The two companies failed to agree on every point but finally came to a(n) _______________.4. In general, fools are not ________ to admit their dullness.5. An out-of-court settlement was the largest ___________ to necessity he felt like making.6. As a mind of _________ is, so is the man of great capacity.7. Your quest for innovation cannot possibly ________ in a conservative society.8. Just as the past is ________ to the present, so is the foreign to China.9. As a good reader, she knows how to make _____________ in the choice of books.10. From your bitter smile, I could _______ that you’re unhappy with what you are.



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      Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Mark the corresponding letter in your answersheet. Each of the words will be read once only. A: veil B: fail C: whale D: rail

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      This part is excerpted from the text. You are required to select one best choice for each of the blanks from the list of words in the word bank. Each best choice actually has a corresponding expression in the original text. Please write down you answers like: B. customs (behavior) [选项、对应单词、课文原单词]

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      Direction: Read the passage carefully before you make the choice, and fill in the blanks with the corresponding letter of each item.

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      2018.12.(2)In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.A)avoid B)convenience C)effectively D)escape E)intimateF)particularly G)primary H)prompt I)reward J)silentK)specific L)surveyed M)unfriendly N)warning O)witnessedHave you ever used email to apologize to a colleague? Delivered a ____ to a subordinate(下属)with a voice-mail message? Flown by plane across the country just to deliver important news in person?

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      There is a passage with 10blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices. Each choice is identified by a letter. Write down the letter. You may not use any of the words in the list more than once.Nothing should stop you going to university if you have the ability and the aspiration. It will be a life-changing, transformative experience. You need to think ahead, plan and (1)______ – but it will be a hell of a lot of fun, and your university life will be all about experiencing and trying.Getting relevant work experience while at university is (2)______ to achieving a good job after graduation. Besides lectures at university, you may have enough time to work as long as you manage your time (3)______. Work experience will also help you once you finish university as every extra thing you do can be (4)______ to your CV and boost your employability.When I (5)______ to university I was going to study physics and law, but I did some work experience at a firm of lawyers and decided that law was not for me. I chose physics because I enjoyed it, and although I'm not now doing anything directly (6)______, I think the skills I learned are transferable. I learned about (7)______ problems, decision-making, how to construct and present information, and improved my numeracy and (8)______ in IT. These are the skills that companies want. They also want people who are inter-disciplinary – so think about how (9)______ your course is.Make sure you (10)______ your study life with work life and I can assure you, you're making the most of your student life.A. relatedB. addedC. significantD. connectedE. literacyF. budgetG. analyzingH. effectivelyI. decidingJ. balanceK. chanceL. flexibleM. experienceN. appliedO. interesting