• 2021-04-14
    I’m now in a restaurant. Can I _____________ a steak for you?
  • order


    • 0

      I am sure I can help you find ____ bed for your new house, but now I'm heading for____ bed and ____ good sleep. A: a , a , the B: a , / , a C: the , a , a D: a , the , a

    • 1

      - Can I take your order now? - _____. A: Yes, you can B: Yes, Please C: No, you can’t D: No, I am not ready

    • 2

      In a fast food restaurant, you can order ___.( ) A: salad B: wine C: steak D: popcorn

    • 3

      ---Would you like to order now, sir? ---Yes, I'd like the steak. ---OK.________. ---Medium, please. A: How do you like your steak? B: What do you think of your steak? C: How would you like your steak? D: What steak do you like best?

    • 4

      F: Here you go. Is there anything else t can get for youM: Uh ... I’m sorry, but I didn’t order this. I ordered the steak.F: This is the steak.M: But there is sauce all over it! I didn’t order it like this.F: This is how our chef cooks steak. It’s our most popular dish!M: But this steak is ... undercooked! I can see ... blood!F: Well, didn’t you order your steak rareM: No, I ordered it well done. What did the man order(). A: Steak. B: Beef. C: Sauce.