黄冈市的哪一个县被称为“将军县”? Which county in Huanggang City is called “County of Generals”?
- 下列哪一个县不是隶属于黄冈市?Which of the following co...d by Huanggang City?
- 黄冈市的哪一个县被称为“将军县”?
- 下列哪些选项与黄冈市有关?Which of the following options are related to Huanggang City?
- Address units in English should be put in ascending order, therefore, the order should be: A: city, county, province, town, village. B: village, county, town, city, province. C: village, town, county, city, province. D: /
- 下列哪一个县不是隶属于黄冈市