• 2021-04-14
    Humans are complex creatures, whose iden...ural identification.
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      When we use the word “anthropomorphic” to describe the gods and goddesses, we mean that they are like __________. A: humans B: creatures C: heroes D: females

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      Part 1 Sentence Identification Identify each sentence as simple (S), compound (CP), complex (CPL) or compound-complex (C-C). You will hear each sentence twice. Write the corresponding letter(s) in the space provided.

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      “My culture is important and I am proud ...ural identity stage.

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      Which of the following is not true() A: All living creatures die in order to be eaten by others. B: All living creatures can be the food of others. C: All living creatures decay. D: Only a small number of living creatures can avoid being eaten by others.

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      Russia is sandwiched between Asia and Europe, with Ural Mountains serving as the geographical divide.