• 2021-04-14
    Primary customer research is: 初期客户研究是指:
  • Speaking directly with customers 直接和客户交谈


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      What are two types of research? A: One research B: Primary research C: Two research D: Secondary research

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      Primary research method can include( ).

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      What are the two basic ways of research in scientific sense? A: Primary research B: Natural research C: Social research D: Secondary research

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      假设需要为表 customer 添加主键约束,主键列为 customer_id,可以使用如下( )方式。 A: Alter table CUSTOMER ADD pk_customer primary key (customer_id); B: Altertable CUSTOMER ADD constraint pk_customer primary key (customer_id); C: Alter table CUSTOMER ADD constraint pk_customer (customer_id); D: Alter table CUSTOMER ADD primary key (customer_id);

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      Empirical research is also called primary research.