you're not the girl _________. (你就不是我所想的女孩子。)
- 你不是我原先所想的那种人
- You‘re my cup of tea. 你是我的一杯茶.
- 选择最佳译文:你相信我会跟她那种女孩结婚?你有病啊!( ) A: You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? Are you ill? B: You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? Is there something wrong with you? C: You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? You must have rocks in your head, eh? D: You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? Are you sick?
- You‘re my cup of tea. 你是我的一杯茶. A: 正确 B: 错误
- 你和女孩调情,女孩对于你的暧昧有点招架不住,说:"你常常这样泡女孩子的?",你怎么回答() A: 没错,你是第108个了 B: 你喜欢我这样泡你吗? C: 没有啊,我才不喜欢你呢 D: 并不是,你喜欢我吗?