• 2021-04-14
    It’s dangerous for you     that tall tree.
  • B


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      以下哪句话是错误的?( A: The tree growing tall, we get more shade. B: With the tree growing tall, we get more shade. C: For the tree to grow tall, we get more shade. D: When the tree grows tall, we get more shade.

    • 1

      75. The tree is as tall as a ____ building. A: ten-storey's B: ten-storeys C: ten-storeyed D: ten storeys

    • 2

      The boy is sitting ____ the tree, there are many apples ____the tree.

    • 3

      —Is this __apple tree?—,it is __orange tree. A: an/the B: the/the C: an/an D: the/an

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: —Is this ____________ (an / the ) apple tree? —No, it is ____________(an / the ) orange tree.