• 2021-04-14
    The early English literature started in ... about 14th century.
  • 450…1066


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      When was this town built A: In the 13th century, B: In the 14th century. C: In the 15th century. D: In the 16th century.

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      American Literature in the 20th Century started from ______to the present. A: about 1914 B: about 1915 C: about 1916 D: about 1917

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      The history of English literature begins in the ____ century.

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      Which is the starting and ending year of the 18th -Century English Literature? A: started in 1700 and ended in 1800. B: started in 1800 and ended in 1900. C: started in 1600 and ended in 1700. D: started in 1790 and ended in 1890.

    • 4

      American Literature in the 20th Century started from ______to the present.