中国大学MOOC: 已知Titles(Title_Id char(4), Tit...D,合适的查询语句是_________。
- 已知Titles(Title_Id char(4), Tit...D,合适的查询语句是_________。
- 中国大学MOOC: What is the best title among the following 4 titles for a research paper?
- 中国大学MOOC: The type of title capitalization that is seldom used in research article titles now is ________.
- 创建存储过程如下:Create proc bookproc @id int ,@title char(20) outputAs Select @title=title from book where id=@id执行该存储过程的方法正确的是( ) A: Exec bookproc 1,@title outputPrint @title B: exec bookproc @id=1,@title outputPrint @title C: declare @title char(2)Exec bookproc 1,@title outputPrint @title D: declare @title char(20)Exec bookproc @id=1,@title outputPrint @title
- 中国大学MOOC: 已知:char a[] = program;char *p = a+1;则执行以下语句,不会输出字符a的是: