• 2021-04-14
    The ancient Greek philosopher is famous ...elopment this means:
  • You have to balance the point of view of the individual with an external assessment of development


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      Which of the following philosophies can be traced back to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle? A: Socialism B: Individualism C: Collectivism D: Anarchism

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      Ancient Greek is the of scholars.

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      Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, had a theory that the heart was a blood-cooling mechanism.

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      The three Orders of ancient greek architecture are ______ ,______ ,______ .

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      4. The famous Greek philosopher Heraclitus (赫拉克利特) put forward his famous notion of “panta rhei, meaning “everything changes” and gave a more famous philosophicalstatement:____ A: One cannot step into the same river once B: One cannot step into the same river twice. C: One can step into the same river twice.