• 2021-04-14
    119. What is wet cargo?
  • a canned or bottled liquid such as bear


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      What are the documents for Cargo Insurance? A: Sales contract B: Commercial Invoice C: Application Form for Cargo Transportation Insurance D: Packing List

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      The ship owner’s liability for cargo damage is covered under what marine insurance policy?(). A: Hull B: Cargo C: Protection and Indemnity D: Pollutio

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      The “wet” in the wet gas does not mean that a gas is wet with water but refers to the hydrocarbon liquid that condenses at surface conditions.

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      What are the characteristics of chartered carrier? A: Fast delivery B: Bulk cargo transport C: Lower rate D: Longer delivery time

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      2. If he’d taken an umbrella, he _____ on the way home. A: wouldn’t have got wet B: wouldn’t get wet C: shouldn’t have got wet D: shouldn’t get wet