• 2021-04-14
    So excited _____ that he couldn't say a word.
  • did he seem


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      Helen was so excited at the news that she could _____say a word. A: ever B: almost C: hardly D: always

    • 1

      He couldn’t an appropriate answer just at the time, so he had to say “sorry”. A: come out B: come up with C: come to D: come across

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      He had been confined to the box, so he ______. A: couldn't move B: could move C: couldn't sleep D: couldn't run away

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      The old man was ______ pleased ______ he could not say a word. A: either…or B: neither…nor C: not only…but also D: so…that

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      He has been so hard working. He ___ failed in the exam. A: couldn't B: mustn't C: wouldn't