- Notonly______difficulttolight,butitsmelledofoil. A: wasit B: itmade C: diditmade D: itwas
- <spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">Itwas</span>about600yearsago<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">when</span>thefirstclock<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">with</span>afaceand<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">anhourhand</span>wasmade. A: Itwas B: when C: with D: anhourhand
- 正是经过彻底检查后,他们才发现故障所在。(Itwas…that)
- 中国大学MOOC: Itwas not until 1919 when Peace Conferencewas held, a largenumber of interpreters were hired.
- ____the 1500s ____ the first Europeans explored the coast of A: It was not until…when B: It is until…that C: It was not until…that D: Itwas until…then
- 0
Thefirstrecordeduseofnaturalgastolightstreetlamps<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline">itwas</span>inthetownofFrederick,NewYork,in1825. A: was B: is C: itis D: were
- 1
Beforetheconstructionoftheroad,itwas<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">prohibitively</span>expensivetotransportanyfursorfruitsacrossthemountains. A: determinedly B: incredibly C: amazingly D: forbiddingly
- 2
中国大学MOOC: Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect impractical imbalance independent inevitable irreplaceable Itwas totally__________tothink thatwecouldfinishthe jobintwomonths.
- 3
Itwas claimed that Donald Trump's 2015 presidential campaign profited a lot from the personal data on up to 60 million users provided by Cambridge Analytica.
- 4
Itwas necessary to provide living places for_________ immigrants passing through the area on theirway to more permanent dwellings. A: arrogant B: transient C: inborn D: chronic