• 2021-04-14
    4 Same or different? Write S or D.► The...rely work late. ____
  • S --- S --- D --- S --- D --- S --- S --- S


    • 0

      Xiaosheng’s voice is different from Laosheng, but the same to that of Dan.

    • 1

      Our minds and mouths work at different rates, we can speak and process the information at the same time.

    • 2

      Listen to the word pairs. Write S if the words are the same or D if the words are different.1). ___ 2). ____ 3). ___

    • 3

      Everyone was late. Only Richard was not late.(用except for改写句子) Everyone was late .

    • 4

      What's the difference between the word "hat" and word "chapeau" A: The objects they refer to are slightly different in shape. B: They refer to the same object with different language symbols. C: They express different meanings to different people. D: They show people's different tastes in their choice of language.