Which of the following is not an example...acy? 以下哪一项不是计划谬误的例子?
- Which of the following is not an example...acy? 下面哪一条不是赌徒谬论的例证?
- Which of the following is not an example of a one-sided event? 以下哪个例子没有说明片面事件?
- Which of the following statements is not an example of the "above average effect?" 下面那一个不是关于“高于平均水平 现象”的例子?
- Which of the following is the best example of a long-term measure?</p> 以下那一个是长期测试的最好例子?</p>
- 以下哪一项不是实施头脑风暴法的注意事项()。Which of the following is not a matter of mind storm?