Lecture is often held for small classes.讲座通常在小班进行。
- 中国大学MOOC: Lecture is often held for small classes.讲座通常在小班进行。
- An object-oriented database is one that is congruent with the data defined in object classes and sub classes.
- 7. In big lecture classes at college attendance is never taken.
- The students often content themselves ______ online games in classes.
- Girls make up only a small ____(percent) of students in computer science classes.
- 0
小班化能使孩子获得更多的个人关注。 Children get more ___________ attention in small classes.
- 1
Object-oriented programming allows you to derive new classes from existing classes. This is called ____________. A: encapsulation B: inheritance C: abstraction D: generalization
- 2
In public schools in the United States, students often enroll in language classes for_____.
- 3
17. On Saturdays, the author _____. A: played soccer, basketball and tennis B: took piano, dance and violin classes C: tutored special-needs children D: attended classes held by university
- 4
How were his lessons and classes different? A: They weren't. They were exactly the same. B: He took the classes he wanted to take. C: His experience was similar to college. D: He had the option to change classes.