• 2021-04-14
    The importance of learning foreign languages has been known in Afghanistan for a long time. English is reaching people through the media. English is reaching people through the media. Bilingual websites, mobile phones with 1 messaging, English satellite television and movies, radio stations with English-language news-including the BBC World Service on 2 modulation - and several local English-language newspapers are having an 3 on the Afghan way of life.
    The presence of large numbers of foreign residents has 4 to the growing numbers of bilingual store signs, street boards and restaurant menus. Even in remote towns, young students can be heard speaking in English.
    The penetration of English is now 5 nearly all sectors of Afghan society. Courses have been 6 to teach English to Afghan military personnel who often work alongside 7 forces. Speaking English has become an important skill for members of the Afghan National Army and the Afghan National Police. It 8 them to communicate with their trainers from different countries of the 9 and understand each other.
    English also helps members of the Afghan security forces to be considered for attendance at military schools in the UK and the US. President Hamid Karzai is a 10 speaker of English and so are many members of the Afghan cabinet and state bureaucracy - a number have lived of studied in the West. It seems as if English has firmly established itself as the language of the future.

    A. contributed
    F. distinctive
    K. alliance
    B. affect
    G. cooperates
    L. enables
    C. text
    H. frequency
    M. efficiency
    D. international
    I. influencing
    N. preventing
    E. impact

    J. fluent
    O. launched
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