• 2021-04-14
    Classicism (1680s—1750s) began in ____ i...he mid-18th century.
  • C


    • 0

      The English Renaissance, which was perhaps England’s Golden Age, especially in literature, began in ______. A: the 14th century B: the 15th century C: the 16th century D: the 17th century

    • 1

      The realist novelists of the 18 th century include__

    • 2

      The literary trends in 18 th century England include______

    • 3

      When he was in his ______ , he began to study English. A: forty B: forty's C: forties D: forty's years old

    • 4

      Thưa bác sĩ, tôi bị () 39 độ.