• 2021-04-14
    “Crossing the Bar” is a poem that _______.
  • describes the poet’s tranquility and placid mood towards death


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      There are different kinds of bar, you can see main bar, __________,(酒廊) grand bar, __________, (茶室)service bar, banquet bar, __________(主题酒吧), and gentle bar.

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      题目包含多个选项,但学生只能选择一个答案。<br/>设A,B,C表示三个随机事件,请问下列事件应如何用A,B,C表示<br/>(2)、$A,B,C$至少两个发生 A: ${(ABC)}\cup{(\bar{A}BC)}\cup{(A\bar{B}C)}\cup{(AB\bar{C})}$ B: ${(\bar{A}BC)}\cup{(A\bar{B}C)}\cup{(AB\bar{C})}$ C: ${A}\cup{B}\cup{C}$ D: ${(\bar{A}\bar{B}\bar{C})}\cup{(\bar{A}B\bar{C})}\cup{(\bar{A}\bar{B}C)}\cup{(A\bar{B}\bar{C})}$

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      JFrame对象(窗框)添加菜单条对象bar,用那个方法? A: add(bar) B: setJMenuBar(bar); C: setBar(bar); D: addJMenuBar(bar);

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      Tube Crossing

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      Except for the number of people and the changes in formation, the motions of Big Crossing and Small Crossing are exactly the same.