• 2021-04-14
    Southeast the Peacock Flies reflects the yearning of an ethereal utopia where the people lead an ideal existence in harmony with nature.
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      【单选题】As to the Man-Nature orientation, the Chinese belives (); while the Westerners believe that (). A. Man and nature are separated;  man can conquer nature. B. harmony with nature;  man and nature are separated. C. mastery over nature; harmony with nature D. none

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      Chinese culture values affirm that people should live in harmony with nature.

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      The Confucian view of human nature explains the relationship between man and nature from the perspective of the unity of man and nature. Which kind of relationship does this reflect between man and nature? A: Control nature B: Live in harmony with nature C: Be submissive to nature. D: All of the above are wrong

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      To live up to the philosophy of living in harmony with nature, humans should clear away any intentions of combating nature.

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      In ancient China, the poem "peacock flies to the Southeast", which is called Yuefu Shuangbi in ancient China. What is the other one() A: 〖离骚〗 B: 〖木兰诗〗 C: 〖观沧海〗 D: 〖桃花源记〗