• 2021-04-14
    Go-back-N protocol is stop-and-wait protocol.
  • 内容

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      The services on the Internet are all based on one protocol, and the file transfer is based on the protocol of .

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      DHCP代表什么?() A: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol B: Dynamic Hosting Configuration Protocol C: Dynamlc Host Computer Protocol D: Dynamic Host Computer Port

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      VPN技术采用的隧道协议包括 A: PPTP(Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) B: L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) C: IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) D: HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over SecureSocket Layer)

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      单选题(分值:1分)[br][/br]SMTP(简单邮件传输协议)的英文是() A: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol B: Simple Meet Transfer Protocol C: Simple Magic Transfer Protocol D: Simple Mac Transfer Protocol

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      Internet上的网络协议统称为Internet协议簇,其中传输控制协议是(  )。 A: IP(Internet Protocol) B: TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) C: ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol) D: UDP(User Datagram Protocol)