• 2021-04-14
    When she moved to New York city, she missed the _____ sights of the countryside.
  • rural


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      New York City is a city of southern New York on New York Bay at the mouth of the Hudson River.

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      She moved away from her parents, and missed them __________ enjoy the exciting life in New York. A: too much to B: enough to C: very much to D: so much to

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      Mrs. Smith ______. A: [A] thought she would have plenty Of time to see the sights B: was afraid they would have no time to gavel around New York C: thought the hotel was not good as the small inn

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      The City of New York, often called New York City (NYC) or simply New York, located in the ________Atlantic coast.

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      Please choose the best version in the following sentences.? Though she is old, she likes walking very much, ten miles a day in the countryside.|Old as she is, she enjoys walking very much, ten miles a day in the countryside.|;Old as she is, she is a big walker, ten miles a day in the countryside.|Old as she is, she likes walking very much, ten miles a day in the countryside.