• 2021-04-14
    hepatic portal area
  • 肝门管区,相邻几个肝小叶之间的不规则结缔组织区域,称门管区。内有小叶间动脉、小叶间静脉和小叶间胆管等。


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      物联网应用跟OceanConneot平台对接需要用到()Portal? A: A.告警监控Portal B: B.SPPortal C: C.OperationFortal D: D.OSS答理Portal

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      The reduction of liver dullness can be seen in A: Acute hepatitis B: Liver abscess C: Acute hepatic necrosis D: Hepatic cyst E: Liver cancer

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      The metabolic changes in the body during starvation are A: hepatic gluconeogenesis increases B: free fatty acids in blood reduce C: the levels of ketone bodies in blood increase D: hepatic glycogen breakdown enhances

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      Which one of the following structures can not be found at "porta hepatic" of the liver

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      In<br/>terms of bioavailability, the following statements are true() A: The<br/>amount of a drug absorbed into the bloodstream B: The<br/>total amount of drug in the body at peak concentration C: The<br/>total amount of drug in the body at a steady-state concentration D: The<br/>amount and rate at which a drug is absorbed into the systemic<br/>circulation E: The<br/>amount of drug that passes through the gastrointestinal tract into<br/>the hepatic portal vein