• 2022-06-29
     财现率(discount rate)
  • 答:贴现率亦称“贴现利率”。贴现利息与贴现的票据面额之间的比率。即银行接受商 业票据、国库券等贴现时,对贴现申请人收取贴现利息时所依据的利率。贴现利息按贴现票 据的金额及贴现利率和贴现时间计算,具体计算公式:贴现率=(贴现利息/票据面额)x 100% 贴现票据Y月贴X未到期v/1/anx 利息=面额*现率X天数X(1/30) 贴现金额=票据面额-贴现利息


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      概念题:贴现率(discount rate)

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      基础货币(monetary base discount rate)

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      The IRR is the discount rate when the NPV = 0.

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      SLF is a kind of discount rate A: 正确 B: 错误

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      The calculation of the forward foreign exchange rate is ( ) A: Under the direct quotation, the spot exchange rate plus premium points and minus discount points B: Under the indirect quotation, the spot exchange rate plus premium points and minus discount points C: Under the indirect quotation, the spot exchange rate minus premium points and plus discount points D: The longer the period, the greater the bid-ask spread