• 2022-06-29
    the butter in the skillet
    A: Cut
    B: Put
    C: Place
    D: Melt
  • D


    • 0

      Ice will change into water if it ___ A: melts B: is being melt C: will melt D: have melt

    • 1

      She cut the ______ of the roses and put them into a vase. A: stem B: perspective C: standpoint D: donation

    • 2

      Jack only wanted to ______. A: make something move B: lift something C: put something in place D: keep something in place

    • 3

      To keep flowers fresh, cut the ______ diagonally and put them in some water.

    • 4

      There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table。 A: place B: room C: floor D: ground