• 2021-04-14
    the economic boom of
  • emigrants


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      中国大学MOOC: The economic boom of South Africa in the early 1960s attracted considerable numbers of from Europe. (emigrate)

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      It is hard to tell whether the country is going to have an economic boom or a ______. A: confession B: submission C: recession D: transmission

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      "In the recent years of economic boom, the crows have quietlyamassedgreat power." The underlined word means. A: accelerate B: access C: accumulate

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      China's economic __________ will certainly become a positive force contributing to the growth of world economy. A: burst B: boost C: booth D: boom

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      In line 3, the word “boom” could best be replaced by _______. A: nearby explosion B: thunderous noise C: general public support D: rapid economic growth