• 2022-07-02
    A: Cage
    B: Phoenician
    C: Carthage
    D: Capitoline
  • C


    • 0

      22. Alexander died just before the invasion of which territory was about to begin? A: Libya B: Carthage C: The Black Sea D: Arabia

    • 1

      --How many monkeys are there in the cage left? -- _____. A: None B: No one C: Nothing D: not some

    • 2

      公元前219年,罗马与迦太基布匿战争交手,迦太基的军队统帅是 。他是迦太基杰出的...5岁就当上了迦太基驻西班牙军队的最高统帅

    • 3

      罗马人和迦太基人之间的战争被称为() A: 迦太基战争 B: 地中海战争 C: 布匿战争 D: 迦罗之战

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