“… at this fair are all such merchandise sold, as houses, lands, trades, places, honors, preferments, titles, countries, kingdoms, lusts, pleasures, and delights of all sorts…”This is taken from ______, one of most remarkable passages in The Pilgrim's Progress.
- The Pilgrim’s Progress is a religious allegory, and one of its most remarkable passages is _____.
- ______ is one of the most remarkable passages in John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress. A: Holy Living B: Holy Dying C: Vanity Fair D: Lycidas
- The title of the novel “ Vanity Fair ” was taken from Bunyan's masterpiece _____. A: The pilgrim's Progress B: Gulliver's Travels C: Hard Times D: Wuthering Heights
- Bunyan's most important work is ______, written in the old-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream. A: The Footprint B: On His Blindness C: Vanity Fair D: The Pilgrim's Progress
- Canton fair attracts over 200,000 buyers from more than ___ countries and regions all over the world.