The Edwardian era of British history covers the brief reign of King Edward VII, following the death of ______.
- The Edwardian era of British history cov...the death of ______.
- Queen Elizabeth II has ruled longer than any other king or queen in the history of the UK, except King Edward VIII.
- Which of the following statement about the Victorian Britain is NOT true? A: Queen Victoria had the longest reign in British history. B: The Victoria era marked the apex of the the British Empire. C: It was during the Victorian period that the full effects of industrialization were most felt. D: The Opium War started in the Victorian period.
- _______is known as "the father of the British navy". A: Henry II B: Henry V C: King Alfred D: Edward I
- Which is NOT history play by William Shakespeare(). A: Henry VI B: Richard III C: King Lear D: Edward II