• 2021-04-14
    Which of the following tip does not help to make an eye contact?
  • Making eye contact with things


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      Which of the following tip does not belong to the tips for listening tests?

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following statements about eye contact makes sense?

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      2. Which tip is not included in our passage? A: A. Make eye contact and be aware of body language. B: B. Stay on topics with which you’re familiar and safe. C: C. Appear confident, but not cocky. D: D. Wear fancy clothes.

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      Which of the following tips is not appropriate when talking to a stranger? A: Catch the person’s eye, and hold eye contact as long as possible. B: Ask open-ended questions to help you learn the person more. C: Make small talk to run on the conversation. D: Watch the listener’s body language to notice whether the person is engaged in actively.

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      Keep eye contact to help maintain communication.