• 2021-04-14
    Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has ________ the quality of the programs.
  • affected


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      Psychologists______ A: believe that television causes juvenile delinquency B: think that television programmes are harmless C: cannot find much evidence of a direct connection between television and juvenile delinquency D: believe that television has a harmful effect on children

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      33.3% of television programs

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      Advertising in the newspapers, radio programs and TV programs are equally important.

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      The difference between cable television and broadcast television is that_____ . [ ] A: the programs of cable television are educational B: cable television does not use the public airwaves C: most cable television programs include sales messages D: cable television provides news and entertainment

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      Which of the following departments take care of production and quality control? ( ) A: Advertising Department. B: Human Resources Department. C: Management Service Department. D: Production Department.