• 2021-04-14
    Many motor proteins generate directional movement by using the hydrolysis of a tightly bound ATP molecule to drive an orderly series of conformational changes.
  • 内容

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      The majority of the CO2 is being transported as () A: CO2 bound to plasma proteins B: CO2 bound to hemoglobin C: Bicarbonate ions D: Dissolved E: CO2 bound to albumin

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      In many nations, everyday activities are done in a planned, orderly __________.

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      Which of the following is the product of the ED pathway ( ). A: 1 molecule of ATP B: 1 molecule of NADPH + H C: 1 molecule of NADH + H D: 2 molecules of ethanol

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      请在下面几个相同含义的句子中,选择出你认为是formal expression的句子: A: You can use this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes. B: This model is suitable for the analysis of the effects of several parameter changes. C: One can use this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes. D: You can analyze the effects of several parameter changes using this model.

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      opponent, opposition, orderly, orthodoxThis writer is courageous enough to challenge many of the established____.